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What information will this test provide for me?
This procedure is similar to Amniocentesis except the sample is taken from the placenta instead of the amniotic fluid by either A (through the abdomen) or B (like a pap smear) depending on which is best in your case.

This test can be done between 11 to 13.5 weeks which is earlier than Amniocentesis.

There is a small chance that the sample will not contain enough of the baby's cells and the test may need to be repeated. This is uncommon.
This procedure has a 1 in 100 chance of miscarriage. You will be counselled by our Doctor before you have the test in order to make sure you understand the risks.
The number and type of chromosomes present.

Any chromosomal abnormalities such as Down's syndrome.

The sex of the baby

This test cannot find all genetic conditions only major chromosomal abnormalities
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